I dedicated this entry to my wife and my self, our outstanding performance during the events grabbed the attention of The Star reporter, Ms Meera Vijayan and our effort is published in the press today.
Click here for more news, Hair-raising business
Because of this 5 minutes fames, it had also dragged me into the hassle and i kept answering phone call since 8.00am in the morning..
the price i have to pay for being famous..
Do you like being famous? why?
The fact is, Umno is living in an ivory tower - totally immersed in pride and arrogance - that is has divorced itself from the practicalities and facts of this globalized world.
This party, from the head to tail, is unable to see beyond the tip of its nose. What a pity?
They can still pride themselves with having 'amok' like qualities which they would use if necessary! They are proud about their madness!
I don't think there is any country in this world where the dominant race looks at the minority with fear and then threatens and intimidates them with a sword, a weapon of the dark ages!
Indirect employment discrimination based on racism is not something new in Malaysia and it tends to grow rapidly day by day. This will eventually lead to an uncompetitive situation for the organisation in the long run as the best talents are not sourced for the particular position advertised.
Najib request for the private sector to stop Mandarin-language discrimination shows how poorly informed he is about the way the Chinese are balancing the discrimination of the government against them by hiring their own people.
'Oh, my God.' I said to myself.
Who is perpetrating the big discrimination against Malaysians of Chinese origin here? How do we feel when all around us we see 'For bumis only'?
Such hypocrisy is so easy to forget when you are not the victim and so nice to enjoy when you are one of those in positions of superiority.
Apart from that, the Mandarin language is the world's most spoken language and with China emergence as a global market, it is imperative that we learn and equip ourselves with Mandarin.
I am working for a MNC in Manchester and the whites here (who are very proud of their English) has recognised that Mandarin is an important business language and are urging their staff to learn the language.
The current Malaysian government needs to change their attitude first with regards to discrimination before requesting someone else to do so.
No matter how weak and ineffective Pak Lah is?
No matter how unemployable our local graduates are?
No matter how many billions the nation loses in its many economic ventures?
No matter how low the quality of our education?
No matter how ineffective the civil service is?
No matter how incompetent the CEOs of GLCs are?
No matter how corrupted the nation is?
No matter how brutal the police force is?
The people will continue to support the Barisan Nasional.
Take my word, the BN will be returned again with a two-thirds majority in the next general elections.
The reason is simple. With the election commission being a de facto member of the BN, and the widespread vote rigging, there is no way the BN can lose.
It has been impressed upon the people that the nation will be destroyed if the BN falls - malays will be wiped out from the surface of the earth.
The people are not so bothered about human rights, about good governance and transparency, about corruption.
They don't evaluate the prime minister performance. All that matters for the malays, is a party that will protect their special rights.
For the Indians, there is no choice but they follow the majority. For the Chinese, they want to be left in peace to live and make money.
The government can rule with impunity and yet remain strong. What a dichotomy?
It was initially assumed that the victim in the ear-squat case was a Chinese national, prompting a protest from the China government. Imagine being lectured by, of all people, the China on how to treat prisoners and respect basic human rights!
How low can we go?
What we see today is the struggle for the spoils of office. While corruption is rife, no one is willing to do anything about it. Why rock the boat?
Since you can't fight corruption you might as well join in - that way you get to share the spoils of office, and create a small empire even for the siblings in business while the sun shines.
This culture of corruption has taken decades to take roots. Change will not come easy.
The race card will continue to be played. Why not? It is a damn good tool to use during times of disunity and apparent chaos. How else would you unite the malays?
The educated and politically inactive among the malays need to wake up - and do something, rather than wait for a (financial) crisis of the proportion we saw in the late 1990s, we are experiencing a leadership crisis today - make no mistake about it.
Pak Lah is asleep at the wheels.
I don't even trust my own country prime minister anymore - he is a disappointment to me……….
Pak Lah if you read this I will tell you straight to your face "I don't support you anymore!"
I say let them Umno behave like an idiot if they wish to - come the time when oil runs dried and all the country's fortune being whacked by all these so-called melayu fighter, then we will see who can survive the globalization……….
We just need to build our network and backup exit door should something happen to the economy of this country - Chinese is always good at this.
After thousands years of civilization, Chinese are aware and prepared to face the world - so there is nothing much we can do with these morons who are still fighting for their own illusions after almost half a century.
The more they act stupid, the better it is for us - don't wake them up, let them dream-walking.
They are still surviving on two things - oil and businesses built by Chinese - oil will be gone sooner than 15 years - they are eyeing 60% (and maybe 90% later) of Chinese business stake, so it is a matter of time before they force themselves on Chinese equity……….when that happen, we need to get out from here and start afresh elsewhere - let them fight for the leftover after this country has nothing left.
Chinese is known as a survival - do you think YTL or Genting or others are so stupid to put all the eggs in a basket in this country? They know of something which ordinary people do not know - think why they diversify aggressively overseas……….
Bumi equity ownership numbers have been revealed for what they really are. A staggering 45% says the report by Asli which seems rather well-referenced.
I looked up the numbers provided by Asli, and they are, well accurate. And looking at the massive wealth accumulated by the malay (primarily Umno) politicians and their families, it is quite clear where that 45% is.
Policies like the affirmative action for the malays is only going explode in a matter of time. And the longer the duration, the more painful the fall. That is the fate that is to befall my kind.
The non-malay (mainly the Chinese and Indians) population will slowly find greener pastures abroad (that is already happening).
The policy then falls flat as you have much less contributors but many more recipients. And the malays will be left with not much but a very beggar type mentality.
Along the years, I have met up with more than a handful of those who share my views about the future of the race, both here in the US and back home.
Well, it is time for us to salvage this situation. You can do that by voting the heavily-corrupted Umno out, by voting for an independent candidate in the next general elections.
We have to act now for even foreigners are starting to see the picture as clearly as I do.
Say no to the bumi policies. Say no to the corrupt politicians who only seek to enrich themselves. Say no to these corrupt politicians who stay in power by playing the racial card. Say no to the fanatics who play the religious card. Say no to the self-destruction.
Staying here in the US for as long as I have, I appreciate the positive things of this country which are really quite plentiful.
I believe in freedom of speech, I believe in meritocracy, I believe that government should be accountable and transparent, and I believe in a secular state.
So it is time to act and you and I can play a part right now by voting for the independents, and voicing the need to remove the bumi policy, which is a surefire way to self-destruction.
There is always discrepancy between the source the Malaysia government used to produce reports and the source the media is getting.
Later they will say those source from media is rubbish while they don't even know how is their source came about.
Just like the ASLI reports, until right now the government couldn't release the methodology they used to calculate the NEP.
Ask you, if you earn RM1000 per month 10 years ago and if you earn RM1000 now, will your lifestyle is the same?
Only those people who stayed under the 'well' will keep the money under the pillow and still thinking that he is 'rich' forever.
Badawi failed statistic paper, what do you expected his judgment of stock?
Why the destruction in wealth? I give you one word (four if you want to be pedantic) - Umno.
If you look back at all the man made calamities suffered by this bountiful country, the misguided and plainly destructive policies, rampant corruption, hypocrisy, leakages, wastages, it all leads back to that one entity, Umno.
The core or the political center as one puts it, is cancerous and utterly rotten. No doubt, there are good people in the party willing to fight for the values we all cherish, but the hierarchy from the top right down to divisional leaders, is beyond salvation.
Every Malaysian worth his salt feels shame for the downright shameful way the country is being run except the country's leaders. I doubt they know the meaning of shame.
Our resources and public funds are being drained like the 'air longkang'. Of course our economic will also heads toward and looks like 'air longkang'. The management of country economic is given to wrong person like 'kera mendapat bunga'.
Of course we know what happen to the flower. God bless Bolehland.
Brain drain is going on at the rapid pace as rapid as how rapid China and India is growing!
No meritocracy, no transparency, wishy-washy policies, daylight robbery - and we expect investors to come into this country?
Without the EPF propping up the stock market, the paper losses would have been phenomenal. In any case, this government will simply lower the bar and put on the spin that the Malaysia stock market is still in positive territory.
Remember - these people do not know the meaning of the word 'shame'.
We concentrated and invested so much in education but the economy is not growing fast and sophisticated enough to provide good, meaningful and rewarding jobs to our people.
Other countries will take advantage of our educated, hardworking, knowledgeable and skillful people to generate jobs and real wealth for their own people.
This is what competition and globalisation are all about……….borders are disappearing and money and people move easily.
Malaysia stock market, like Malaysia politics, is opaque. By and large, only fools would venture where angels fear to tread.
I would venture to say that the performance of the stock market is, to a large degree, directly proportional to the political culture of this country - the greater the accountability, integrity, transparency - you will see a corresponding growth in investors confidence and foreign investments etc.
The reason why bursa is doing so badly is Mahathir and his capital control. Foreign investors got badly burned when he suddenly changed the rules in 1997.
At that time cap control looked like a good idea, but if you had allowed the market to fall, it would eventually recover to its true value.
In a bull run, a market might overshoot its true value by 100% and vice versa.
I am a New Zealander. My ancestors came to New Zealand less than 100 hundred years ago from Britain, Germany, Holland and the Middle East. But I don't identify with any of those places - I am a New Zealander, it says so on my passport.
Most Malaysian Chinese and Indians have a connection to Malaysia that far outdates my connection to New Zealand……….so I can't imagine how one could say that Chinese Malaysians should identify with China and not with Malaysia, or Indian Malaysians should identify more closely with India.
If it was natural to go to such extremes then why not just make us all citizens of Africa and be done with it?
Let me tell you, who are malays? Can't they just be some people that came from Indonesia long time ago? Or some Arabs came from Middle East centuries ago?
They do not necessary originate from Malaysia! Malaysia could be part of Indonesia or Thailand! What that in the history book does not necessary be the whole truth!
One friend said: "I am malay. My father was raised in a rural village outside of Kuching. He made it through without any of the bumi-biased aids in question and at one point worked for a multi-national organization. I have never requested for or used any educational aids. It is foolish of me to speak out against a system that would benefit me - but I still choose to do so. Truthfully, I dare go as far as to say, I am harshest against my own race."
My agree point being is that malays can make a difference if they are willing to work hard. Remember, there hardly is any substitute to success. Mahathir himself spoke out against the malays and said that they were lazy and laidback.
If you imply that May 13 will occur all over again just because the malays can't earn their way through things - this will show who the real gangsters are.
To stop whining when things are obviously biased will serve to make the government less accountable to the public. Remember, bumis policy has been around for decades, not days. The "backward" malays should have been already on their feet by now - if not highfliers themselves.
Moreover, about the quota system - if malay entrants are not qualified to enter the university but students of other races are, don't let them enter! That will force them to study harder to earn their way in.
If tertiary institutions compromise as quota system for university, what we would have are mediocre tertiary institutions that may go as far as lowering the passing mark so that more of these non-deserving students may pass. This will only degrade the Malaysia education system further.
In the paragraph mention racial harmony. In fact, the projected image of harmony is not entirely an honest one. There won't be true harmony as long as politicians take advantage by playing the race card. And many Malaysians living in Malaysia know that every dimension of life here is racially politicised.
My point was it is no longer a race issue. It is a class issue. While it is still important to realise that the "crime" of Umno was to make it all seem as if only the malays are at the worst end of development.
In other words, not only do the rural malays suffer - the rural Indians etc, are denied the opportunities too. Poverty is race-blind.
One cannot possibly aid a group at the expense of those who are affected by discrimination. While discrimination is present in the US, it is still very much a recipient of brain gain, Malaysia on the other hand is a victim of brain drain.
Interesting article.
The world is rapidly changing, with WTO and globalisation. What is really scary is that many of our Malaysia politicians are still living in the 60s and 70s and have not kept up to the times. They continue to use scare tactics and intimidation.
And let us face the facts; the average malay is just not ready for globalization. Due to misconstrued policies and handouts, the biggest losers in the globalisation race in Malaysia are unfortunately going to be the malays.
Their solution; Continue fiddling with the wealth redistribution and NEP instead of creation. And the use of scare tactics to prevent any discussion about this.
While the country is gradually slipping down the competitive ladder, the leaders particularly from Umno are playing fiddle.
Smart Malaysians are quietly looking for opportunities to invest overseas or even contemplating emigration.
Nobody wants to be the last passenger to get out in a sinking ship.
There is always discrepancy between the source the Malaysia government used to produce reports and the source the media is getting.
Later they will say those source from media is rubbish while they don't even know how is their source came about.
Just like the ASLI reports, until right now the government couldn't release the methodology they used to calculate the NEP.
Ask you, if you earn RM1000 per month 10 years ago and if you earn RM1000 now, will your lifestyle is the same?
Only those people who stayed under the 'well' will keep the money under the pillow and still thinking that he is 'rich' forever.
Badawi failed statistic paper, what do you expected his judgment of stock?
Why the destruction in wealth? I give you one word (four if you want to be pedantic) - Umno.
If you look back at all the man made calamities suffered by this bountiful country, the misguided and plainly destructive policies, rampant corruption, hypocrisy, leakages, wastages, it all leads back to that one entity, Umno.
The core or the political center as one puts it, is cancerous and utterly rotten. No doubt, there are good people in the party willing to fight for the values we all cherish, but the hierarchy from the top right down to divisional leaders, is beyond salvation.
Every Malaysian worth his salt feels shame for the downright shameful way the country is being run except the country's leaders. I doubt they know the meaning of shame.
Our resources and public funds are being drained like the 'air longkang'. Of course our economic will also heads toward and looks like 'air longkang'. The management of country economic is given to wrong person like 'kera mendapat bunga'.
Of course we know what happen to the flower. God bless Bolehland.
Brain drain is going on at the rapid pace as rapid as how rapid China and India is growing!
No meritocracy, no transparency, wishy-washy policies, daylight robbery - and we expect investors to come into this country?
Without the EPF propping up the stock market, the paper losses would have been phenomenal. In any case, this government will simply lower the bar and put on the spin that the Malaysia stock market is still in positive territory.
Remember - these people do not know the meaning of the word 'shame'.
What is your problem? Pak Lah said that now he is walking the talk with the 9MP, but those are not what we want from his talk talk days. We want him to fulfill his pledges in having a transparent, accountable government. Stop giving us lies!
Sick! Simple and dirty way to become billionaire in Malaysia.
Singapore (transparency, efficient and clean government) had proven to the world that they have struggled and gone far better than Malaysia (racist and corrupted government) in terms of economy and others even though they have been separated from our Bolehland since 1963.
Hello Malaysia……….Wake up!
Sadly, the government is not setting and leading a good example for the private sector and people to follow, e.g. transparency, social responsibility, non discrimination, equal employment opportunity, competency and accountability, and etc.
It is the private sector, in particular the multinationals with huge resources, that are setting and leading a good example for the local businesses to follow.
Always country's culture. We might not know whom pocket is filled with money but we sure know about this kind of process. Worse still a lot being supportive of certain parties just to get projects as that. They are selling their soul for money. This is just of the thousand cases repeat happened.
They give the contract to one company to earn all the money - what some more is crony way of awarding the contract. Hope BN government will feel the pinch later.
Pak Lah is Mr Clean? Oh my God, biggest lie of all!
Biggest sin of Pak Lah is inaction and ignorant! With all the power he is holding now coupled with the biggest margin ever in election victory, Pak Lah can do many things. But he chose not to. He just let all his cronies and airheads ministers grabs whatever things they want, do whatever they want!
I think Pak Lah is the laziest prime minister we ever produced! He could be totally incompetent too. Probably that is the reason why Mahathir wants to remove him at all costs.
Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can bruit about that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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I noticed the axiom you have not used. Or you functioning the dark methods of promotion of the resource. I have a week and do necheg
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
Politicians in the whole of SE Asia , including Malaysia and Singapore , are trying to hang on to absolute power by all means . These so called political elite groups are outdated and incompetent , and run authoritarian , undemocratic governments . Malaysia is a racist country with no basic human rights laws , and a very opaque operation. Also like a lot of countries in Asia , keep the population relativly uneducated and controlled , then they have no opposition . Also the so called original occupants of Malaysia are not Malays , as usual history gets corrupted .
Without a major change in the political system , Malaysia is going nowhere . Unlike a lot of countries in the world , politicians in SE Asia are arrogant , have relativly limited technical knowledge , make bad managers unable to surround themselves with competent and educated people to help run the country .
Also Malaysia is undemocratic , as a lot of people running the country and not elected , that is unacceptable.
Look at Malaysia and Singapore , the word maintenance is almost unknown , build , knock down , rebuild , no maintenance . Also look at all those abandoned buildings in failed projects , a total waste , where certain people make a lot of money , incompetenceand corruption .
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